Saturday, April 14, 2007

OK so I know that it has been awhile since my last post but this school stuff is harder than I thought. I am getting very good scores but it is still taking everything I have. Contrary to popular opinion I am not that intelligent and it is taking all my brain and energy just to make it through a week...and they are 7 day weeks at this school! The kids have been sick and I mean bad sick...the only one not affected is the diva queen baby. Naturally they have passed this on to me so I am doing double duty as nursemaid and patient. JR is having a good time on this chat site we are on..he loves to meet new people. I have met a couple of really interesting people on there too but usually I just talk to those I already know and have conned into signing up. Well, I think that that is all the news and I need to get back to my until next time...BEHAVE..OR AT LEAST LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES LOL

1 comment:

Denise said...

Come now, dearie. I happen to know your IQ, so don't start with the "I'm not very smart" routine. At least your instructor hasn't gone off his nut like mine has.