Friday, March 16, 2007

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now officially registered and ready to begin your coursework at the largest, accredited private university in North America. You should be proud of yourself for taking on this challenge and for making the commitment required to accomplish a goal of this size.

This is what an acceptance letter to college looks like and it is beautiful!! Of course that is just the beginning of the letter but ya'll get the idea! Now on the the learning and just a few years away from being a teacher and actually having some respect around here!! I have told many people that I was taking this step and quite frankly I am tired of the shock in everyone's face! It is like everyone expected me to continue to play supermom my entire life while I made JR go to work or something! NOT!! I am going to be the best teacher in the world and then I am going to be able to do something about the way the school system is ruining our children! They aren't even expected to really knuckle down and learn anything anymore, but I won't get on that soapbox today...not enough time! Just let me say that when you take the discipline out of schools then there is nowhere for most children to learn it. Unlike my children, most of them go home to empty houses and zero responsibilities. They are not expected to take on responsibilities until they are grown and by then it is too late.

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