Saturday, March 31, 2007

Well the first week of school is almost over and I am feeling so much better about the whole thing. I have alot more to learn (obviously) but I think I am starting to get the hang of the whole thing. The kids and the old man are trying to adjust to the whole thing still but I doubt that they ever will (lol). They are having trouble realizing that mommy is busy. A certain man (who we all know and love) can't seem to realize that I need this computer more than he does and is still monopolizing it! I have been having to get up in the middle of the night to get started or I never would get everything done! It is going to be a big adjustment for everyone but I have faith!!

1 comment:

Denise said...

You could tell that old fart (wwakal) to get his own computer. Seriously, I told you if you survived the first week you'd have it made. It doesn't get hard again until week 6. You've got plenty of time to get ready for that one. Love to all.