Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Weekend

I had an interesting weekend to say the least. It was mommy/daddy weekend and my husband and I always look forward to it. We have a whole night without the kids. We always go to dinner and a movie. This weekend we also went shopping, and like every other woman on the planet, I had a great time! Before we even left to take the kids to their grandparents' house my husband found out that Larry the Cable Guy's birthday is February 17th. This is not extraordinary unless you know my husband. He is the worlds biggest Larry the Cable Guy fan. He even looks somewhat like him. Oh, and his birthday, is February 17th too.
After dropping the kids off, we went to our favorite restaurant. After a wonderful and relaxing meal we were off to the movie theatre. Last night we saw the new Halloween movie. Needless to say, it was lousy. Too much blood and not enough suspense ruined the movie. I never enjoy a movie if I know what is coming 10 minutes in advance and that is the way this movie was. It was very predictable.
After the movie we went to Wal-Mart where we blew a bunch of money on stuff that, while needed, was also not exactly neccessary. I have finally managed to lose all my baby weight from the birth of my last child (4 yrs ago) and none of my clothes fit me as well as they should. I bought two new outfits and some new house slippers as well as a new pair of tennis shoes. This was some major spoiling for me. I usually just shop at garage sales because I am too cheap to buy new clothes. We also managed to find my husband a baseball cap that says "Git R Done" which is his motto so he was happy. We got the kids a new PS2 game and a couple new movies as well as getting the new Larry the Cable Guy movie.
I was so tired I just collapsed in bed last night when I got home but it was worth it. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed the evening thoroughly.

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1 comment:

Denise said...

So what movies did you get? I've gotten some new ones since we last spoke.